Saturday, September 27, 2008

heart to heart

I realize my recent posts are full of peektures! haha so before this becomes a photo blog gonna write a long post that only my true friends will read. HAHA. Test* haha kidding la.. but then again who else will bother to read my super long posts rite?

haha anyway the title shall be

*drum rolls

"If I were the devil..."

If I were Mr. SA Tan, I would do exactly what he is doing right now:

I'll make you feel like you're alone, disappointed in the relationships in the cellgroup, and I'll choose to attack you, cos I see the potential in you to do great things for the kingdom of God. My strategy is to make you fall, cos wen you fall, the others will be affected too.

I'll strike just as when you are about to rise up, just as you are about to find your passion and be on fire again, cos thats when you are the most dangerous.

I'll put thoughts in your head to make you feel tired, unwilling, unconnected, and then slip the tiniest and seemingly most unharmful thought to take a short break. Thats when things will get easier for me cos when you're alone, you are most vulnerable to negative thoughts.

During your 'break', i'll play with your pride. Pride that will stop you from going back to where you belong. I'll let you think that it doesn't matter whether you go to church everyweek or not since God lives in your heart and is always with you. I'll deafen you with MY thoughts such that you have to be really really quiet if u're trying to hear another voice. And my ultimate strategy: I'll make you think that you already "know it all"

It doesnt matter that you are a believer in Jesus cos I believe in him too. So long as I can make you powerless, unwilling to serve and self centered, I achieve my goal to stop the rest of the world who are suppose to know God thru you. It doesnt matter even if my plan fail after a while, doesnt matter even if you return back to where you belong...because the time you wasted being out of the will of God during this period is impossible to be recovered.


But I know that my God reigns. He always does! There are so many times I want to take a break. And I do. But He never lets me wander too far off and pulls me back just in time. He uses people in my life to speak to me when I cant hear him on my own. Even so, I never want to take his grace for granted. As much as He want me to be in his will, I have a freedom of choice. Each time I make a wrong choice, I'm shortchanging the others who have invested in my life.

No more running wild
I'm yours for life
Well you got me here
You got me

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