Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Decided to dedicate a post to some of the VIPs in my life!
In no order of preference!!

Weijie! haha although i always complain about him but he is still very very important to me! I think he looks cute here. haha! my punching bag! my chauffeur. My atm. ahhh. slap me someone...

Adeline! BFF! ahh we are a weird couple really. We can be similar in so many ways and yet different!! I love you alot and am praying for you every day! see? thats how much i love you! haha we had our fair share of sleepovers and quarrel(s) too but i wun forget how you were with me during my high and low moments! I wanna go overseas with you again! even if its just malaysia! HAHA. on a side note... i really miss seeing you every saturday! We all do! come back quick!


Esther! My closest bestie who I haven quarelled with so far. hahaa hope that day doesn come but she's one in a million really! One of the greatest blessing in my life! I have so much to learn from you! Thanks for always being there for me and cheering me up!

Debbie janet and me! Went out with these 2 crazy girls (+kc) on friday nite to 'listen' to F1 and ate at my fav chinese restaurant! Debbie is one of the most energetic girls i've met! her energy and laughter is infectious! i love dancing with her! haha and one thing that i've never told her is I admire her guts! U're an inspiration to me really! haha if u did not take the first step to initiate lead worship at youthem i may not have taken mine too! Cheers to growing together!

Janet! haha our friendship goes a long way back! been thru so many ups and downs with her but i'm sure our friendship has grown too cos of that. We understand each other more now..although not fully, and even tho we still have our lil disagreements but you're someone I count on and trust! Love your creative and crazy ideas cos dates with you are never boring! I can always be myself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi from mexico, only to say wow u r very beatiful