Sunday, October 19, 2008


I think we're all people who are quick to judge... but who are we to judge really..

There are people in my life who I perceive as selfish, self centered, and in my mind I just want to give them a kick, knock them to their can you claim to love God when all you want is to take from him? How can you say you believe in the works of Jesus When you're unwilling to serve him, when you are living for yourself, why is your heart so small? why arnt you able to love? Why cant you sacrifice your time for his kingdom and purpose?

But at the same time, I believe someone else is thinking the same thing about me.

We all have our own levels of immaturity to overcome. Thats why our walk with God is progressive. There is always a higher level.

But we come to a place where we ask ourselves, do we want to go up? Or am I happy where I am now? Each time I say or think to myself "I dunwan to go up", "i'm satisfied" "I dun like..." "I am not going to..."I'm reinforcing it in the spiritual realm and my physical surroundings. Theres a lot of focus on the power of the spoken word, but lets not forget the power of our mind, thoughts and feelings. I think what it takes to move me or anyone from one level to another is when one is filled with a greater measure of passion. It takes a spiritual encounter w God that will be the driving/motivating force.
"People quit because they no longer believe in what they are doing."

I think more than just speaking..I need to start thinking well of people, of circumstances and situations

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