Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An unusual response

Woke up at 6am today to go jw church for the prayer meeting... it was beyond great! I know it sounds kinda dumb to travel an hour early in the morning just to have a personal devotion time w God cos you can do that at home too.. but desperation and the desire to have an encounter, the intimacy is the motivating factor. Sometimes its when you are at your wits end...when all else fails and you know you can no longer do it on your own, that pushes you to do the unthinkable..or rather illogical..the unusual. I admit...the desperation is the bigger force behind my motivation right now.

anyway.. past few weeks I've been hearing one great message after another by Pastor Kong! I feel so blessed to be in my church!

Manifestation occurs when the word becomes flesh.
It is the unusual response that will bring about the manifestation.
Just think of the first time you responded to the altar call... or the first time you spoke in tongues...
Mary had the most unusual response to become the mother of Jesus when she was still a virgin... which normal girl will say yes to risk being stoned to death?

Luke 1:38
Let it be to me, according to your word.

What is your unusual response today to God's purpose and will for you?

What is it that you want to see manifested in your world? The power of God evident in your life?

Well Pastor got us to write down just one area that we really really want to see God move in our life...one area that i want to give an unusual response to see it come to pass...well for me it has to do with 2 very special people in my life.

On another note!

I was feeling so stressed up previously but thank God for Esther!

Thanks for reminding me that it is never too late with God!

Sometimes we just need our friends to remind us of his faithfulness and grace...even when we feel that we dun deserve it ;)

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