Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fashion's Night Out #FNO

Held at the Lincoln Centre in New York City on Friday,10 September 2010, FNO was the biggest fashion show held in NYC thus far.

Vogue's editor Anna Wintour, is the brain child behind this global initiative and I'm totally buying into the idea.

Its fashion for everyone.

The concept behind Fashion's Night Out:

1) It is for the consumers to get up close with the designers. Or rather, for the designers to know their consumers.

2) Fashion that is shown will be clothing that will be in stores that week. It is the first time consumers get to attend a fashion show, see what's on the runway and go to the store and purchase it that week.

3) Basically, it lets people come together to be a part of the world of fashion. You get to see celebrities and designers in the stores. In short, to make fashion come alive.

By having it at the Lincoln Centre, Fashion is taking its rightful place beside the performing arts and put fashion on par with all the other cultural institutions.

i'm in awe of the magnificence and beauty of it all!

So bringing this closer to home, its pretty impossible to have all the designers and celebrities flown in to our little island (even H&M thinks our market is too small)but I think the idea is to get people involve. At least, I think that's what made FASHION IN THE SKY work.

Question: Would you pay $30 to see a fashion show of your favourite brands, if it includes entrance to an exclusive bazaar, a goodie bag, free flow of drinks and canapé + a one of a kind experience?

I would!

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