I'm not exactly complaining tho... there is a sense of achievement when the project is done..but in the meantime please be understanding!
anyway!! in the midst of all the workload! i'm still making time for the love ones in my life!
I think what Dr. AR Bernard wrote on twitter is so true! "You can be so busy working on your success that you don’t take the time to develop your character"
But i think more than character, it is the ability to have an enlarged capacity to strike a balance. Between work, ministry, and your relationships with friends and family.
First up!
Debbie's 21st birthday!
I think it was a huge success! I had fun leading the games even. haha Kudos to the decor team!! PERFECTO!

Ohyes... sometime back... went out with some uni friends to top one ktv...
They were shocked I could sing in chinese!

I think what zhinian shared about being a friend is so true! Lets be more of a friend to the people around us rather than being caught up with our own work all the time!
Gonna try out the 15 mins inconvenience thing this week!
15 MINS each day to CARE, LOVE, THINK ABOUT, REACH OUT TO and BE A PART OF someone's life.
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