I want to be able to look back and see how I've conquered and overcome my giants!
And of cos the important events in my life.
Well finally handed up all my projects. Spent an all nighter to get the last one done. Business Ethics. Our topic was on sweatshops! haha! But we were able to write very well cos we felt like we were working in a modern day sweatshop! (We didnt sleep till 730am in the mrg, and woke up at 1030am to continue! Someone said I was a slave driver. Ha!) Found this article on Straits Times Forum:
Local bright and promising youths spend so much time at work they have no time for friends, family and themselves. The environment and social norm pushes them to work so hard and long hours that they end up being single, having late marriages, or even childless. Singapore will continue to lose their brilliant, eager and creative youths to the ‘clutches’ of the modern sweatshops if nothing is done to salvage the situation.
ahh. I really like what DT said last week, We all have 'something on' on saturdays, question is what we choose to be that something.
Anyway how can i not blog about this!!
Weini's Aloha 21st!
Secondary School Friends
Work and Uni friends...
HAHA! i belong to all! woohoo~

Although the next day was going to be crazy with the project due on mon, I will not want to miss your birthday for anything! Love you lots!
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