While waiting to launch our surprise attack on miss bay, i had another good quality catchup w my fav people. they say absence make the heart grow fonder... but i dun think i'll ever get tired of hanging out with them! had a good study session w esther at je lib before this! and guess what! I had 2 bowls of my fav yu pian mi fen! i think i'm crazy. but i think the reason for my extremely good appetite was the company plus the fact that i did use my brains while studying.
haha rushed down to cityhall after that. this time we changed to gloria jeans. goodbye starbucks?

haha we shud go on another "redang" trip. seruisly.
haha and incase no one noticed. me ade and cia was dressed as farm girls today! COINCIDENTALLY! haha unless farm girl look is the "in" thing.. other wise..thats called in flow.
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