Wednesday, April 15, 2009


ah! I told myself while Pst. was teaching just now that i must blog about this!
This is something we all know, but when it becomes a conviction, hey, thats a different story.

A willing attitude.

Makes a whole lot of difference!

A willing attitude will give you 3 things:

1) Willingness releases the ability in you to do the job.
- when you are willing, the holy spirit will empower you

Went out with Janet today, and I was feeling quite lost as to what to do for the decorations for our event on saturday night. I dunno what the room looks like at all, and even less on how to revamp it with a given budget and time frame. haha. i admit. i was quite pek chek. Worse still, what if it turns out not nice and i waste the money??

I think in times like this, we tend to be so goal oriented we lose or forget the God factor. Hey sister, wheres your faith?

1 Chr. 28:9
As for you... know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you..."

Ah! God I'm willing. HELP ME!

2) Willingness gives you tremendous energy
- Just think about a time when you are feeling super tired, but someone you like just ask you out on a date!

I know all of us are tired. Some of us more than the rest. And I always wonder how am I going to complete studying in time for my exams? It seems almost impossible.

But when you are willing, ALL things are possible. There will be a certain energy to do it!

On a side note!

The word "Enthusiasm" in Greek means "En" as in "enter" and "Theos" as in "Theology"
i.e. God In You!

An enthu person... ah.. has God in him/ her (As when you are filled/ full of the holy spirit- just take a look at Acts, on the day of Pentecost!)

Otherwise. lol. Repent!

3) Willingness brings with it strategies
-you will always find a way to make it happen

Are you willing today?

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