Friday, April 9, 2010

All good things come to an end

Is it time to close the chapter of FITS and move on to greater things already?

ITs been an amazing journey definitely. Despite all the tears and sweat (literally) I think the effect it has on each individual is more than what "success" can be defined by mere attendance. Lives are changed. Connections are made. Bonds are formed. People are inspired. God is real.

There is a new confidence found in each individual who having stepped out of the line, there is no turning back. Its just like a stretched rubber band that can never go back to its original size.


Once again, I just want to thank every one who helped make this dream come to pass!

Been following the owners of Bonitochico on Twitter lately and read their blogs! Really inspiring young ladies who proved that friends CAN do business together. I think it'll be so amazing if one day their brand really becomes a high street label. haha its funny that somehow I think its possible! Can imagine it happening actually.

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